Import and export excel files, csv with Laravel-Excel
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In this article, I will give a brief overview of the Laravel-Excel package . Perhaps there is no need to explain much about its purpose, the title says everything. Basically, Laravel Excel has the power of PHPExcel , it includes features like: importing Excel, CSV to collection, exporting models, array's or views to Excel, importing multiple files, etc.
Some outstanding features of Laravel Excel
- Import excel file, csv into Laravel Collections
- Export Blade views to Excel and CSV with CSS styling
- Import multiple files
- Support caching
- Support chunk and queues importer
- Fix Excel file, csv
- Many optional configuration settings in the config file
- And many other features
Use Laravel Excel
1 - Installation
- Install with composer
composer require maatwebsite/excel
- After installation is complete, open the file config / app.php and add the following code.
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Excel' => Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel::class,
- Public configuration settings:
php artisan vendor:publish
The above settings will add excel.php file to the config message.
2 - Import
Laravel Excel can import multiple files, xls, xlsx, CSV files, worksheets into Laravel collections.
- Importing a file
Excel::load('file.xls', function($reader) {
// reader methods
- Import a folder
Excel::batch('folder', function($rows, $file) {
// Explain the reader how it should interpret each row,
// for every file inside the batch
$rows->each(function($row) {
// Example: dump the firstname
- Import multiple files
$files = [
Excel::batch($files, function($rows, $file) {
- Edit File Contents
Excel::load('file.csv', function($file) {
// modify
- Convert file
Excel::load('file.csv', function($file) {
// modify stuff
3 - Export
Laravel Excel can create Excel or CSV files from Eloquent models and PHP array.
- Export to Excel5 (xls)
Excel::create('Filename', function($excel) {
// or
- Export to Excel2007 (xlsx)
// or
- Export to CSV
// or
- Store on server
Excel::create('fileName', function($excel) {
// Set sheets
- Creating a sheet
Excel::create('Filename', function($excel) {
$excel->sheet('Sheetname', function($sheet) {
// Sheet manipulation
4 - @Blade to Excel
You can use Laravel's Blade to export the excel file, share a view, load a view to the sheet or create an html table inside the view.
- Load a view to a sheet you use -> loadView ().
Excel::create('New file', function($excel) {
$excel->sheet('New sheet', function($sheet) {
- Use different views for different sheets
Excel::create('New file', function($excel) {
$excel->sheet('First sheet', function($sheet) {
$excel->sheet('Second sheet', function($sheet) {
- Share the view for all sheets
- Transmission into view
$sheet->loadView('view', ['key' => 'value']);
// Using normal with()
->with('key', 'value');
// using dynamic with()
Here are some basic features of Larave Excel. Hopefully this article will help you get to know a part about Laravel Excel.
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