Javascript Tips - Code This, Not That
Bài đăng này đã không được cập nhật trong 5 năm
Sau đây là một vài tip khi viết JS sao cho code của mình được mượt mà và hiệu quả nhất 
1.Console log
const nam = {name: 'Nam', age: '24', gender: 'Male'};
const vu = {name: 'Vu', age: '26', gender: 'Female'};
const van = {name: 'Van', age: '24', gender: 'Female'};
'Bad Code
'Good Code
Computed property names
console.log('%c My Friends', 'color: blue;');
console.log({nam, vu, van});
console.log('%c My Friends', 'color: blue;');
console.table([nam, vu, van]);
kết quả trả về, ta nhận được:
let i = 0;
while(i < 100000){i++};
Stack Trace Logs
const deleteMe = () => console.trace('bye bye ^^');
const dog = {
name: 'Vi',
type: 'Husky',
legs: 4,
weight: 15
'Bad Code
function information(animal){
return `Ten toi la ${}, toi nang ${animal.weight}, toi thuoc giong ${animal.type}`;
'Good Code
function information({name, weight, type}){
return `Ten toi la ${name}, toi nang ${weight}, toi thuoc giong ${type}`;
// OR
function information(animal){
const {name, weight, type} = animal;
return `Ten toi la ${name}, toi nang ${weight}, toi thuoc giong ${type}`;
3.Template literals
const cat = {
name: 'Vu',
type: 'Cat',
legs: 4,
weight: 3,
skills: ['chay', 'nhay'],
age: 3
'Bad String Code
let infor = ' Xin chao! Toi la ' + + ', toi thuoc loai ' + cat.type + ', toi nang ' +
cat.weight + ' kg, toi co the ' + cat.skills.join(' va ');
'Good String Code
const {name, type, weight, skills} = cat;
infor = `Xin chao! Toi la ${name}, toi thuoc loai ${type}, toi nang ${weight} kg,
toi co the ${skills.join(' va ')}`;
Advanced Example
function catAge(str, age){
const ageStr = age > 5 ? 'old' : 'young';
return `${str[0]}${ageStr} at ${age} years`;
const infor2 = catAge`This cat is ${cat.age}`;
4.Spread syntax
const pikachu = {name: 'Pikachu'};
const stats = {hp: 80, attack: 100, defense: 50};
'Bad Object Code
pikachu['hp'] = stats.hp;
pikachu['attack'] = stats.attack;
pikachu['defense'] = stats.defense;
// OR
const lv5 = Object.assign(pikachu, stats);
const lv10 = Object.assign(pikachu, {hp: 100});
'Good Object Code
const lv5 = {...pikachu, ...stats};
const lv10 = {...pikachu, hp: 100};
let pokemon = ['Pikachu', 'Meow', 'Charizard'];
'Bad Array Code
'Good Array Code
// Push
pokemon = [...pokemon, 'Blastoise', 'Venusaur', 'Raichu'];
// UnShift
pokemon = ['Blastoise', 'Venusaur', 'Raichu', ...pokemon];
const orders = [100, 30, 200, 15, 86];
'Bad Loop Code
const total = 0;
const withTax = [];
const highValue = [];
for (i = 0, i < orders.length; i++){
// Reduce
total += orders[i];
// Map
withTax.push(orders[i] * 1.2);
// Filter
if (orders[i] > 100) {
'Good Loop Code
// Reduce
const total = orders.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur)
// Map
const withTax = => v * 1.2);
// Filter
const highValue = orders.filter(v => v > 100);
6.Async / Await
const random = () => {
return Promise.resolve(Math.random())
'Bad Promise Code
const sumRandomAsyncNums = () => {
let first;
let second;
let third;
return random()
.then(v => {
first = v;
return random();
.then(v => {
second = v;
return random();
.then(v => {
third = v;
return first + second + third;
.then(v => {
console.log(`Result ${v}`);
'Good Loop Code
const sumRandomAsyncNums = async() => {
const first = await random();
const second = await random();
const third = await random();
console.log(`Result ${first + second + third}`);
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