New Php Interview Questions of 2019
Bài đăng này đã không được cập nhật trong 6 năm
I am looking for new php interview questons so that i can increase my knowledge and share with my php professionals through my website. I have collected list of 70+ php interview questions with answers as mentinoed below but still i am looking for more php questions with answers.
List of PHP Interview Questions
*What is PHP? Why it is used?
- What are the advantages of PHP?
- Who developed PHP?
- What is the latest version of PHP and Mysql?
- Please explain the difference between unlink() and unset()?
- How many types of errors in PHP?
- What is the significant difference between require() and include()?
- How to we can get IP Address of users machine?
- Difference between require() and require_once()? When can we use these functions?
- What is the difference between GET & POST ?
- How can we make a constant in PHP?
- List some array functions in PHP?
- List some string function name in PHP?
- How can we upload a file in PHP?
- Explain the difference between session and cookies in PHP?
- What are headers in PHP?
- What is the difference between file_get_contents() and file_put_contents() in PHP?
- In PHP, how to redirect from one page to another page?
- What is the meaning of "enctype= multipart/form-data" ?
- What is the role of the .htaccess file in php?
- How to add comments in PHP?
- Explain the difference between array_merge() and array_combine()?
- How to get a total number of elements used in the array?
- What is the difference between public, protected and private?
- What is the difference between implode() and explode() in php?
- What is the difference server side and browser side validation?
- How to create and destroy cookies in PHP?
- What is the difference between fopen() and fclose()?
- What is the difference between php 5 and php 7?
- How to get last inserted id after insert data from a table in mysql?
- How to remove HTML tags from data in PHP?
- What is str_replace()?
- What is substr() in PHP? and how it is used?
- What the use of var_dump()?
- What is the use of nl2br() in PHP?
- Please explain the difference between $var and $$var?
- Please explain the difference between isset() and empty()?
- Explain the difference between mysql_fetch_array(), mysql_fetch_object()?
- What are the construct() and destruct() methods in a PHP class?
- How to get complete current page URL in PHP?
- How to include a file code in different files in PHP?
- List some sorting functions in PHP?
- How can we enable error reporting in PHP?
- What are magic methods?
- What are traits? How is it used in PHP?
- What is inheritance in PHP? How many types of inheritance supports PHP?
- How to download files from an external server with code in PHP?
- What are the different MySQL database engines?
- What is the difference between = , == and ===?
- How to make a class in PHP?
- What are the final class and final method?
- Please write a query to find the 2nd highest salary of an employee from the employee table?
- What is the role of a limit in a MySQL query?
- How to get a total number of rows available in the table?
- What is MVC?
- What is a composer?
- What is the use of $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] variable?
- What is the use of @ in Php?
- What is namespace in PHP?
- How we get browser details of clients machine?
- What is the use of cURL()?
- Write a program to display Reverse of any number?
- How to check whether a number is Prime or not?
- Write a program to display a table of any given number?
- How to write a program to make chess?
- What is the difference between abstract class and interface in php?
- What are aggregate functions in MySQL?
- What is the difference between MyISAM and InnoDB?
- What is SQL injection?
- How to redirect https to HTTP URL through .htaccess?
- What is the Apache?
- What is the difference between Apache and Tomcat?
- What is the best way to avoid email sent through PHP getting into the spam folder?
- What is PEAR in PHP?
- What is the difference between REST and Soap?
- How to make database connection in PHP?
- How to remove blank spaces from the sting?**
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