PHP Interview Questions
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PHP is a recursive acronym for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a widely used open-source programming language especially suited for creating dynamic websites and mobile API's
Below we have listed few Frequently Asked PHP Interview Questions
1. What is PHP ?
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is open source server-side scripting language that is widely used for creation of dynamic web applications. It was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf also know as Father of PHP in 1994. PHP is a loosely typed language , we didn’t have to tell PHP which kind of Datatype a Variable is. PHP automatically converts the variable to the correct datatype , depending on its value.
2. Where sessions stored in PHP ?
PHP sessions are stored on server generally in text files in a temp directory of server. That file is not accessible from outside word. When we create a session PHP create a unique session id that is shared by client by creating cookie on clients browser.That session id is sent by client browser to server each time when a request is made and session is identified. The default session name is “PHPSESSID”.
3. What are PHP Magic Methods/Functions. List them.
In PHP all functions starting with __ names are magical functions/methods. Magical methods always lives in a PHP class.The definition of magical function are defined by programmer itself.
Here are list of magic functions available in PHP
__construct(), __destruct(), __call(), __callStatic(), __get(), __set(), __isset(), __unset(), __sleep(), __wakeup(), __toString(), __invoke(), __set_state(), __clone() and __debugInfo() .
Also Read : Best Core PHP Interview Questions
4. List data types in PHP ?
PHP supports 9 primitive types
4 scalar types:
string 3 compound types:
callable And 2 special types:
5. What are the encryption functions available in PHP ?
crypt(), Mcrypt(), hash() are used for encryption in PHP
Being PHP a open source programming Language and serving the web more than 30 years, below points let you know why PHP shines
- Open Source
- Cross-Platform Compatibility
- Loosely Typed Programming Language
- PHP Traits
- Magic Method
- Supports nowdocs and heredocs String
- Easy to Learn
- Plenty of jobs
- Real-Time Tracking and Error Reporting
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