Static Testing
Bài đăng này đã không được cập nhật trong 4 năm
1. What is Static Testing?
Static Testing is testing a work product without the work product code being executed.
What can be reviewed?
Any work product can be Examined by Static Testing
- Project progress: work completed to schedule, etc.
- SRS, system designs, codes, test plans, test cases
What can be Inspected?
- Policy, strategy, business plans, marketing or advertising material, contracts
- System requirements, feasibility studies, acceptance test plans
- Test plans, test designs, test cases, test results
- System designs, logical & physical
- Software code
- User manuals, procedures, training material
What to Review/ Inspect?
Review | Inspect |
Informal, formal quick | Formal, take more time |
Any work product can be reviewed, Compared to inspect, Review has boarder meaning | Not all work prodict can be inspected |
Not bring as much value as inspect | Bring more values |
The subject of review is typically documented or not | The subject of inspected is typically documented |
Method: Individual review, Group review | Method: Individual review, Group review |
2. Why is Static Testing?
- Static testing enables the early detection of defects before dynamic testing is performed
- Defects found early are often much cheaper to remove than defects found later in the lifecycle, especially compared to defects found after the software is deployed and in active use
- Increasing development productivity
- Reducing development cost and time
- Reducing testing cost and time
- Identifying defects which are not easily found by dynamic testing
- Detecting and correcting defects more efficiently, and prior to dynamic test execution
The two main types of static testing techniques are:
- The manual examination of work products:( i.e REVIEWS)
- Tool-driven evaluation of the code or other work products ( i.e STATIC ANALYSIS)
Review process
The review process comprises the following 5 main activities:
- Planning
- Initiate review
- Individual review
- Issue communication and analysis
- Fixing and reporting
Roles and responsibilities
- Author: writer or person with chief responsibility for the documents to be reviewed / Inspected
- Managers: excluded from some types of review, need to plan project time for review / Inspection. Decides on the execution of reviews, allocates time in project schedules and determines if the review objectives have been met.
- Facilitator (often called moderator): plans the review / Inspection, chooses participants, helps & encourages, conducts/leads the meeting or review, performs follow-up, manages metrics, mediates between various points of view, person whom the success of the review rests.
- Reviewers leader: with specific technical or business background, specialised fault-finding roles for Inspection, should be chosen to represent different perspectives
- Scribe / Recorder: documents all the issues, problems and open points that were identified during the meeting
Review Types
Informal review
- Main purpose: detecting potential defects
- Not based on a formal (documented) process
- Review meeting: led by author
- Performed by: a colleague of the author (buddy check) or by more people
- Results : may be documented
- Use of checklists: optional
- Very commonly used in Agile development (e.g., buddy check, pairing, pair review)
⇒ widely viewed as useful and cheap (but no one can prove it!) A helpful first step for chaotic organisations.
- Main purposes: find defects, improve the software product, consider alternative implementations, evaluate
- conformance to standards and specifications
- Individual preparation before the review meeting: optional
- Review meeting: Yes, led by the author of the work product
- Scribe: mandatory
- Use of checklists: optional
- May take the form of: scenarios, dry runs, or simulations
- Result: Potential defect logs and review reports may be produced
- May vary in practice from quite informal to very formal
⇒ Author guides the group through a document and his or her thought processes, so all understand the same thing, consensus on changes to make
Technical review
- Main purposes: gaining consensus, detecting potential defects
- Reviewers: should be technical peers of the author, and technical experts in the same or other disciplines
- Individual preparation before the review meeting: is required
- Review meeting: optional, ideally led by a trained facilitator (typically not the author)
- Scribe: mandatory, ideally not the author
- Use of checklists: optional
- Result: Potential defect logs and review reports are typically produced
⇒ includes peer and technical experts, optional or no management participation. Normally documented, fault-finding. Can be rather subjective.
- Main purposes: detecting potential defects, preventing future similar defects
- Follows a defined process with formal documented outputs: based on rules and checklists
- Uses clearly defined roles
- Individual preparation: is required
- Review meeting: Yes, is led by a trained facilitator (not the author)
- Reviewers: are either peers of the author or experts in other disciplines that are relevant to the work
- product
- Specified: entry and exit criteria are used
- Scribe: mandatory
- Result: Potential defect logs and review report are produced
⇒ Formal individual and group checking, using sources and standards, according to generic and specific rules and checklists, using entry and exit criteria, Leader must be trained & certified, metrics required
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