Yêu cầu thg 2 4, 2020 3:07 CH 76 0 1
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Why the automobile industry needs asset management?

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Generally, asset management is benefits for a startup to large scale industries. Whether you need to monitor all the assets like moving assets or non-moving assets in a traditional asset management system is a difficult one. IoT based asset tracking system monitors all the assets in a single integrated strategic system.


Đã trả lời thg 5 22, 2020 5:53 CH
Đã được chấp nhận

Despite the challenges, automotive plant managers have evolved sophisticated strategies over the years to increase their operational efficiencies. Logistical and organizational improvements have done a lot to cut costs and keep automakers competitive in the ever-expanding global marketplace.

If you don’t take advantage of new cost-saving opportunities quickly, your competition surely will. Some of the biggest improvements in automobile industry operations can be made by adopting Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to improve asset management.

Checkout the detailed information about IoT asset management solution here : https://blog.contus.com/iot-asset-management-solution-tracking-assets-in-automobile-industry/

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