Yêu cầu thg 12 6, 2019 11:19 SA 169 0 3
  • 169 0 3

i'm looking for real time solution provider for dating app

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  • 169 0 3

Can you please assist with the following; i'm looking for real time solution provider for my dating app ,solution will have features chat,voip,video. software will run suse linux and also integrateble with asteriks?


Đã trả lời thg 12 6, 2019 1:40 CH

u can find all of those in aws marketplace

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Avatar Parthiba @richardonline
thg 12 9, 2019 10:16 SA

thanks a lot for your response

Đã trả lời thg 12 9, 2019 12:04 CH


I hope you are doing good...

My personal recommendation is Testrig Technologies to test any kind of mobile apps, The team is USA based Top app Testing Company...They suggest you to technical things to improve which directly impact on your business revenue ...

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Avatar Parthiba @richardonline
thg 12 9, 2019 2:08 CH

@Priti thanks a lot for your response

Đã trả lời thg 2 5, 2020 6:09 SA

There are lot of chat app developers in online market now. But This post are showcasing top Real-time messaging solution providers. https://habr.com/en/post/453374/

Hope it will be helpful!

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